
The benefits of maintaining your home’s indoor air between 40-60% RH has been科學驗證to minimize airborne viruses. Humidified air in this optimal humidity range ensures that germ droplets remain moist and the salt concentration inside the droplet increases to an extent that the pathogens are rendered inactive within a short time. Humidified air in the optimal range also prevents dry itchy skin, irritated eyes, minimizes allergies, promotes a healthy respiratory track, and will aid in a restful night of sleep.
Condair HumiLife offers powerful connectivity through a mobile app so that you can experience comfortable and fresh air from the palm of your hands. The mobile app also offers helpful information about the humidifier's operation, cylinder lifecycle, and current humidity levels.

Humidity control helps to protect you by:

Studies that Support 40-60%RH For Health & Wellness

大量的書l studies by world-leading universities in the last few decades demonstrate all three mechanisms, from the biological effect - e.g. the self-cleaning of the mucous membranes, to the intact renewal of the lung cells and the production of antiviral genes, which only work in moderate humidity!

Also that coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spreads more intensely in indoor spaces via aerosols at low humidity.

Here is a summary of the most important results, which gives an understandable overview even for non-medical professionals and offers a sound basis about the advantages of a minimum air humidity for the protection of health.



make you sick

We spend 90 percent of our time in closed rooms.The lack of humidity in the interior has a significant impact on well-being and leads to:

  • overall weakened immune system
  • 呼吸道感染
  • dry and irritated skin
  • eye discomfort
  • head
  • sleeping disorders
  • 喉嚨痛和語音問題
  • 過敏
  • asthma
  • 注意力不集中
  • poor performance at work & school
  • painful electrostatic discharges

  • 我們的免疫防禦最適用於40-60%的室內相對濕度

    Air that is too dry also damages the ingenious protective mechanism of the respiratory tract: the mucous layer dries up, becomes tough and prevents the cilia from moving so that viruses and germs can no longer be transported away.This creates a significantly increased risk of colds.老年人,兒童和敏感粘膜的人,如過敏患者和隱形眼鏡佩戴者特別遭受這一點。在這裏閱讀更多.


    Condair Cube是一種先進的空氣質量傳感器,旨在監控空氣以供濕度,溫度和CO2的不安全水平。它與PC兼容,因此您可以在監視器或電視上展示空氣的質量。使用易於識別的交通燈係統,用戶可以識別其室內空氣質量水平並采取糾正措施。

    Buy Now

    Use a Hygrometer to Test the Humidity Levels in your Home

    A hygrometer measures and shows air humidity in the same way that a thermometer measures and shows temperature. Hygrometers are relatively cheap to buy and are frequently sold as "thermohygrometers", which measure and display both temperature and humidity.

    Order your FREE hygrometer

    Download our app for healthy air humidity

    1. First check the humidity in your rooms with a hygrometer.

    2. In the app, add your room humidity and temperature level to check if you room has optimal humidity for health and wellness.

    3. Always make sure the humidity in your home is kept between 40-60% RH. This will minimize virus transmission and reduce respiratory infections keeping your family and pets, healthy and happy all year round.

    Download now free the Condair Humidity Checker app from the應用商店要麼Google Play Store


    TIPS for the prevention of respiratory infections and illnesses in winter months:

    • 當外麵的空氣更冷時,你家裏的空氣變得更幹燥!這可以與來自爐子的加熱的幹燥空氣的增加有關。But opening the windows won't help你的幹燥皮膚,因為冷空氣含有一點水分。當冷空氣衝進房子並加熱時,它的相對濕度下降到非常低的水平。

    • Never humidify by feeling:check the humidity with a hygrometer and humidify the air while maintaining anoptimal relative humidity of 40–60%. In poorly insulated apartments with thin walls, 50% relative humidity should not be exceeded because of the risk of condensation.

    • In winter, you may also take avitamin D supplement避免因較短的日子和小日光造成的任何不足。這與理想的室內濕度一樣,將改善您的免疫係統的功能並防止許多季節性和慢性疾病。

    • Having more than 7 hours of sleepper night is incredibly importantincreased immune defense.然而,如果空氣過於幹燥,它通常會導致睡眠不安:咳嗽適合,打鼾或喉嚨變得非常刺激和痛苦。如果臥室的氣候設定為正確的溫度和濕度範圍,您的睡眠將更加寧靜,因為您的航空公司將不再幹燥盡可能多。
