Published: 1965 |Acta otolaryngol提供。1965年; 200:4 200:1-62。


Ewert G.


The objective of the study was to quantify the effects ambient relative humidity has on the mucociliary flow rate of the human nose.

EWERT在體內技術開發了一種新的技術,使用立體聲顯微鏡直接觀察染色的亞微米粉跡(磷酸鈣)放置在受試者的鼻孔內。立體聲顯微鏡使受試者鼻中隔膜上的移動示蹤劑的放大而完全被照亮的可見性。觀察到的受試者鋪設在背部,呼吸室空氣(溫度23±2°C,相對濕度20至88%RH,根據季節,意味著RH 43.55%)。

The author in person measured the time period that tracers needed for a flow distance of 2 millimetres (mean observational time 30s).

174名成人(89‰,85‰,12-80 y。,平均42.5,> 50%的吸煙者),斯德哥爾摩的所有未選擇的耳鼻喉科診所患者和喉嚨診所。




The mean flow rate of all subjects was 4.2 mm/min. (see graph). Smokers had a clearly diminished flow rate (3.6 mm/min vs 4.8 mm/min for non-smokers).

A steady difference in mucous velocity between the so called “slow side” and “fast side” confirmed the known phenomenon of “nasal cycle” (mucociliary flow velocity and air flow alternately increase and decrease, induced by congestion and decongestion of nasal mucosa).

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Doc's view...

by Walter Hugentobler Walter Hugentobler


Ewert’s study is unique, since he investigated subjects without pre-selecting by age or medical record. He objectively witnessed the slowing of mucociliary clearance caused by dry air, rather than rely on the subjective opinions of whether subjects could taste saccharin indicators placed in their nostrils, as other studies have.

It's furthermore the only investigation that measured mucous flow on both sides of the nose and therefore avoided any misjudgements by ignoring the known “nasal cycle”.

The progressive slowing of our nasal mucous flow by increasing air dryness that Ewert observed indicates moisture loss from the mucous layer and the impairment of our first line of defense against airborne pathogens by low humidity.

