Why Humidify... For Instruments

儀器需要密切監測圍繞它們的空氣中的濕度。這對保存所有腔室,木製聲板和滑塊至關重要。D.RY AIR從該過程中損壞物體的音質和財務價值的材料中提取活力和濕度。




鋼琴和許多弦樂,采摘和風樂器由珍貴的樹林製成。這些是由“Tonewoods” - 木材慢慢地挺直,良好的聲音特性。正音澆道是空氣幹燥的,儲存多年,直到木材的所有緊張都盡可能釋放。取決於預期用途,使用了許多不同的木材類型。他們所有分享的財產是他們是吸濕的。他們幹涸時合同。當他們吸水時,他們會擴張。因此,高價值儀器在氣候中產生,具有監測的空氣濕度和溫度(取決於製造商,通常在20-22攝氏度和約40-55%的相對空氣濕度下)。這種儀器後來暴露的空氣濕度以及需要花多少時間對其壽命,可玩性,聲音以及最後但並非最不重要的影響產生了重大影響。樂器在過度幹燥的空氣中遭受了極大的痛苦。 Even if a warm instrument comes in contact with cold air, its surface dries out, because it heats the very air which is absorbing its humidity.

Thin wooden bodies

Indigenous instruments are often made of the bodies of woody fruits — for instance, a pumpkin. European classical orchestral instruments are often made of very thin woods. Whether it be a violin, guitar or a double bass — the finely processed surface of such instruments is often less than 3 mm thick and has a very large surface area. In some cases, different woods are stuck together, sometimes they are fitted with inlays. The different wood types which are incorporated experience varying degrees of contraction. In specialist jargon, the term “shrinkage” is used. Beech has a high degree of shrinkage, while that of mahogany is small. The thinner the woods, the more significant their reactions to a change in the climatic ratios. This applies all the more, the higher the value of the instrument. Then it is made of even thinner woods and coated with finer varnishes.


擔心尖銳的邊緣是一個最初的,明確的指示of excessively dry air. This is because the wooden fretboard contracts if air humidity is lacking, while the metal of the fret ends does not. Thus, the ends overhang at the sides. Dessicated wood can also be recognized by a change in the surface of the guitar. In the normal state this arches outwards very slightly. It is convex. If it contracts, it caves in, becoming concave. A rippled surface is another sign of low air humidity. This occurs because the precious wood parts between the growth rings cave in more than the hardwood parts. Cracks in the surface usually occur directly behind the bridge and run as far as the near end of the body. This is because the strings push the bridge down onto the surface with force. Also, the grain of the wood in the bridge is positioned diagonally to that of the surface. As a result, not only do the different woods contract in different ways, they also do so in different directions.

如果相對空氣濕度極低,則表麵再次探著。橋似乎彎曲了。如果經過壓力,橋接可以捕捉。與表麵一起,Fretboard End略微進入聲孔。結果,串高度降低,並且琴弦撞擊表麵產生嗡嗡作用。不鬆開的支柱可以推出蓋板的部分。剪切力可以導致內杆線的鬆動。這導致共振幹擾噪音。此外,體內的靜態被削弱,產生其他張力。


鋼琴和其他鍵盤儀器有一個由雲杉製成的聲板,以加強他們的聲音。幾個不同寬度的翅片連接到實現這一點。弦橫跨聲板伸展。他們的緊張局勢在音樂會大鋼琴尤其高。由於幹燥,聲板可以破裂。在鋼琴和大鋼琴的情況下,由於空氣濕度的影響,錘子可能會被卡住。當一個音符“掛起”時,這是最常見的原因。鋼琴經常被肢體。塑料技術用於木材型材,鑲嵌連接數次。在該過程中,不同的木材在表麵上合並,使得光滑的表麵重新出現。 If the air is too dry, the gaps between the woods crack open and the gaps of the underlying wood pull through.

It therefore makes sense to consider the correct air humidity. After all, dry air which extracts vitality and humidity from the material also damages the object’s sound quality and financial value in the process.


    • 在音樂廳和器官加濕的應用中多十年的深入經驗。必威电子

    • 廣泛的產品範圍為個人客戶要求提供量身定製的解決方案。
    • 能夠創新完美的專業應用解決方案。必威电子
    • 通過低能量係統優化成本和濕度優化。
    • 由於最小的服務需求,易於維護。
    • 一流的客戶服務範圍從專家建議設計,供應和安裝和調試。


    • - 英國亞曆山德拉宮

      - 英國基督的醫院學校

      - Dustry Strings.

      - Opera North's Howard Assembly Room

      - 英國皇家阿爾伯特大廳

      - Sydney Opera House, Australia

      - 英國皇家歌劇院

      - Walt Disney Studios - Sound Stage



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