Why Humidify... For Bakeries

In bakeries, proper humidification has a profound influence on both product quality and the finished baked good.

Two loaves of bread being held on a paddle

If relative humidity (RH) levels are too high or low, air will be overly moist or dry. Maintaining a balanced RH is critical, as this application exposes products to atmospheric conditions during the baking process and not only during storage.

Regulated Indoor Humidity (or Indoor Air Climate)

Depending on the size of the environment, some bakeries may require humidifiers with greater load capacities. Condair has a highly efficient humidifier suitable for every capacity, with every type of humidification technology available at your disposal, from gas and/or electric-powered humidification to adiabatic cooling available. With a system installed that suits the bakery application in question, it’s easy to precisely control RH and ensure that air quality benefit baked goods.

Ensure Healthy and Comfortable Employees

With an adiabatic humidifier orevaporative cooling system中小型麵包店和大型工廠可以確保他們減少麵粉粉塵以及不斷站在烤箱或熱區域附近的酷員工。這確保了廚師和員工舒適。這對任何對渴望更好的工作條件的麵粉粉塵和員工過敏的人都有深刻的影響。

Ensure Visual Appeal to Customers

In the baking industry, businesses need to continually move product as breads and other baked goods typically have shorter shelf lives. Proper humidification will ensure that finishes and decorative additions look pristine, therefore encouraging customers to feel confident in purchasing product. Visual appeal plays a key role in successful bakery operation, as product appearance helps to drive sales.


  • Minimize product and ingredient wastage / spoilage, (i.e. flour retains more moisture and more weight).
  • Maimize profits with consistent appeal to customers.
  • Regulated air moisture levels for optimal output on product surfaces.
  • Minimize flour dust, allergies and keep employees comfortably cool.


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