HP demo centre, equipped with DRAABE humidifiers

54 DRAABE TurboFog Neo used at HP

Hewlett-Packard Counts on Draabe Humidifiers to Ensure Optimum Printing and Production Results

在Sant Cugat delVallès(巴塞羅那)的40,000平方英尺和培訓中心,惠普(HP)將其客戶提供最新的數字印刷技術,從大幅麵的打印到包裝和職業印刷。

每年,來自EMEA地區的6000多名代表訪問該中心尋求靈感並參與培訓。客戶中心總監Ester Chiadio:“我們認為自己是一個”夢想工廠“,促進了新想法,並展示了如何用現代印刷技術將它們變成現實。”自2013年以來,Drabe一直在惠普的正確軌道上保持空氣濕度作為認可的專家。

End-of-life for steam humidification

To ensure optimum results for print and production, the HP Demo and Training Centre requires air humidity values to be kept constant. “Electrostatic charges, changes to the paper dimensions and fluctuations in print quality all adversely influence our training and demonstration work,” explains Adam Goldthorp, HP TrainingsManager. “Another problem is that the various printing technologies and printing stock (e.g. plastic,carton) also need different air humidity parameters,” Goldthorp continues.” The existing steam humidification unit installed in the central humidification system was no longer up to the task and had to be taken out of service in 2013.

服務and expertise

Since then, more than 50 DRAABE TurboFogNeo high-pressure humidifiers ensure a controlled level of air humidificationin the various areas. For HP Global Real Estate’s José Baena, the new DRAABE technology offers major advantages: “We now have optimum parameters across the various zones and printing machines. And we have also managed to cut energy consumption for humidification by over 95%.”

Ester Chiachio is another satisfied customer: “DRAABE is a very competent partner with comprehensive service and在印刷業中的專業知識,這使得它們非常適合作為我們“夢工廠”客戶的理想推薦。“

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Why Humidify with Condair Humidifiers for the Printing Industry

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