

    No matter where you work, dust buildup can pose serious issues to the cleanliness of your environment, in turn giving you less of a clean bill of health and more of a cause for concern. This can result in sinus infections, various airborne illnesses, and other medical problems, which will cause reduced performance and lower efficiency in the workplace as well as increased absenteeism. In addition, when you’re in a workplace with plenty of dust, chances are your coworkers and visitors will be affected as well, making the chances of person-to-person transmission of illness increase. So, how do you minimize dust buildup before it reaches such levels? Let’s take a look at some spring cleaning and dust-busting strategies you can apply to almost any work environment.

    Remove Carpeting


    Have Everything Wiped Down from Top to Bottom


    Spray Cutting Surfaces Down with Water

    If you are in an industrial work environment such as an automotive factory or a furniture assembly plant, you’ll naturally find that it’s a harder to keep everything clean. A helpful approach is to spray down cutting surfaces with water, following up with a careful but thorough wipe-down. Afterwards, fit cutting systems with guards to keep dust out, which will not only make it easier to keep clean but will also protect sensitive equipment from getting clogged.

    Inspect Your Ventilation and Airflow

    The way air flows in and around your workplace is essential to battling dust accumulation. If the air is very still and stagnant, it allows for dust to settle faster than usual, but if you have a robust enough ventilation system that pushes clean, fresh air throughout every room of the building, it’s easier to keep dust levels under control. Try upgrading in-vent fan systems to more efficient and stronger models that are better at pushing cool, clean air through your workplace.


    通常,灰塵堆積的原因來自於空氣通風和濕度控製的組合,這可以使用蒸發冷卻係統與節能加濕相結合的良好尋址。如果您和您的同事確定問題源於相對濕度(RH)控製和/或空氣質量差,那麼它是時候使用升級的現代係統更換了加濕器,這有助於減少灰塵積累。產品如通知直接或間接等產品蒸發加濕器幫助在控製室內水分水平的同時從戶外攜帶新鮮空氣,以確保條件並不是那麼幹燥,以鼓勵灰塵擴散和繁殖。蒸發冷卻係統專為較大的環境(如辦公室和工廠)設計,確保您在每個房間都能完全覆蓋less cost and greater savings在兩項費用和生病的日子上。

    Dust is a leading cause of everything from hardware and electronics failures to even some forms of illness. It can impact paint adhesion and quality control, coating finishes, and even workplace performance if equipment is clogged and suffering from diminished performance. With solutions in the form of various strategies and products such as an evaporative cooling system and evaporative humidifier technology, you and your coworkers can breathe easier and get more done. Contact us today at Condair if you’d like to explore humidity-controlling, dust-busting solutions!



    //www.topapps24.com/humidifiernews/blog-overview/sick-building-syndrome-what-it-it-and- 3-ways-to-prevent-it.

